Driss Ksikes

The paths of indiscipline
Fri 2 June 2023
11:00 CET (Brussels time)

The paths of indiscipline

Driss Ksikes is a Moroccan writer, researcher and a very respected opinion leader in his country. He has been a professor at HEM (Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) since 1996. Since 2014 he has served as director of economy, HEM research center, and director of the HEM foundation. His latest publication is a novel on his beloved city Casablanca (Les Textures du Chaos, published in 2022). In this session we will reflect with Driss (in English) on his 2021 book 'Les Sentiers de l'Indiscipline'.

"In this book, a long journey through art, literature, complex realities, history, philosophy, incandescent dreams, I discovered to what extent indiscipline helps us, even without our knowledge, to move through life and believe that the impossible is not out of reach. I realised that if discipline seeks to preserve the species, indiscipline allows the regeneration of the human being, as he or she is first and foremost a living energy, a force in the making. Without the possibility of marvelling, surpassing and questioning oneself, one would not be constantly in the process of becoming. Discipline, understood as an authoritarian way of governing people, may help us to survive in the present moment but cannot allow humans to reinvent themselves over time, and even less so to flourish, neither separately nor together."
Driss Ksikes is a Moroccan writer, researcher and a very respected opinion leader in his country. He has been a professor at HEM (Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) since 1996. Since 2014 he has served as director of economy, HEM research center, and director of the HEM foundation. His latest publication is a novel on his beloved city Casablanca (Les Textures du Chaos, published in 2022). In this session we will reflect with Driss (in English) on his book 'Les Sentiers de l’Indiscipline’ (published by En toutes lettres in 2021).